In evidence in claim of Capt. C.M. Marchant of Edgartown
1st. What is your name and address in full? Thomas Bowen, Barbados W.I.
2d. When, and where did you graduate? Georgetown Med. College 1863, Bellevue Hospital Med. College 1877
3d. Are you now engaged in the practice of your profession? I am.
4th. How long were you personally acquainted with deceased? 18 days.
5th. Do you know that he is the same person, that is described in Certificate of Membership No. _____ Division_____
and in the preceeding affidavits? I do not.
6th. Did you at any time attend or prescribe for this person for any accidental injuries? I did not.
7th. When were you first consulted or called? On the day of his arrival here Feb 9/85
8th. Where did you first attend him? Ship Quarantined, I am Health Officer of the Port and X [This portion is illegible, and written sideways on the page.]
9th. Did you make any examination of his person? Only what was urgent medically
10th. What, if any, exterior or visible sign did you find as to any personal bodily injury, caused by external and accidental violence? He made no complaint to me of having received any injury.
11th. What local and constitutional symptoms existed during his illness, and what treatment did you adopt?
Arrived here with partial paralysis of the lower
extremities, but could still walk about. on Feb 22nd
symptoms of [swelling] of the brain + its membranes [appeared].
Usual treatment adopted.
12th. What was the precise nature of the injury and its extent? Had no injury that I am aware of.
13th. How long was he actually confined to the house? Five days.
14th. When did you last attend him? The day of his death. Feb 26th 1885
15th. What, in your opinion, was the cause of his death? Inflammation of the brain and its membranes.
16th. Do you know whether or not the deceased was under the influence of intoxicating drink to any extent at the time of your first visit, or of the happening of the accident? Was quite sober when I first saw him.
17th. Did deceased ever have, or was he at the time of accident afflicted with, or suffering from any constitutional or local disease, hereditary or acquired? If so, to what extent did such disease contribute to, or cause fatal results?
18th. How do you understand the injury was received?
The deceased never told me that he had received an injury and he was quite capable of doing so if he had received an injury.
And I further state that I have no interest in the payment of this claim, either as crditor or otherwise, and that I am not related to the deceased or his beneficiary in any manner whatever, and that I have answered all the preceeding questions to the best of my ability.
(Physician's signature,) Thomas Bowen M.D.
Sworn to and subscribed before me}
this __________ day of __________ 188 }
Justice of the Peace for ____________________ County.
*If any physician was called in consultation, his statement should be attached.
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