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Bark Roman Whalemen's Shipping Articles

The attention of the Signer is particularly directed to the 1st, 7th and 9th Sections.


1st. IT IS AGREED between the Owners, Master, Seamen and Mariners of the Bark Roman of New Bedford now bound from the Port of New Bedford on a whaling voyage not exceeding Fifty four months in duration. to the North Pacific Ocean, and such other oceans, seas and Bays as the Master deems proper, and back to New Bedford.

We the undersigned acknowledge that this shipping article has been read and fully explained to us before signing, and that we are to have adjusted from each of our voyages the amounts named for Fitting and Discharging the Bank, and the Interest and Insurance on all advances to, or for us.

That in consideration of the share against each respective Seaman or Mariner's name hereunder set, they severally shall and will perform the above mentioned voyage; it being understood and agreed by and between all parties hereto that the term of service of any of the undersigned shall not end, nor shall any one be entitled to a discharge until the expiration of said tem unless the ship shall sooner return to said port of New Bedford and the voyage be terminated – provided also that the return of said Bark in distress or by reason of any accident or misfortune shall not be considered a termination of the voyage within the terms of this contract, and the said Owner and Master, do hereby agree with and hire the said Seamen or Mariners for the said voyage, at such shares of the net proceeds, or of the actual products of the voyage, to be paid pursuant to this agreement, and the custom and usage in the port of New Bedford.

2d. And they, the said Seamen and Mariners do severally hereby promise and oblige themselves to do their duty and obey the lawful commands of the officers on board said Bark or the boats thereunto belonging, as become good and faithful Sea-men or mariners, while cruising for whales, and all places where the said Bark shall put in, or anchor at, during said voyage; to use their best endeavors to obtain a cargo of oil; - and for the preservation of the said vessel and cargo; - and not to neglect or refuse doing their duty by day or night; and that they shall not go out of said Bark on board any other vessel or be on shore, under any pretense whatsoever, until the aforesaid voyage be ended, and the vessel be discharged of her loading, with-out leave first obtained by the Captain or Commanding Officer on board; that in default thereof, he or they shall be liable to all the penalties and forfeitures mentioned in the Marine law, enacted for the Government and regulation of Seamen in the Merchant Service; it being understood that said forfeiture shall be estimated according to his or their respective shares of the net proceeds of the voyage, and the length of the same conjointly.

3d. AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED by all parties to this contract, that such regulations as a just regard to the good order, effectual government, health and moral habits of the Officers and Men shall be established and observed on board the said vessel. And to ensure proper attention to this important object, it shall be the duty of the Officer having the care of the Log Book, to note therein daily all fragrant breaches of the same. It shall especially be his duty to record all instances of drunkenness, all cases of absence from the said Bark by any Officer or Seaman with or without permission, after sunset, or beyond the time prescribed for their absence,_every instance of absence, by any Officer or Seaman, through the night, whether on shore or on board of any other vessel-every instance of the introduction of any woman or women into the ship for licentious purposes,- every instance of disability for the performance of ship's duty, which may occur, with the cause of it,- of occasioned by sickness or infirminty, the nature and origin of the same, if known, to be particularly stated, especially if it be the consequence of their own misconduct. And in case of the Officer who may usually have charge of the Log Book being implicated in any of the misdemeanors or disabilities herein mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Master to make, or cause to be made by other hand, an entry of the same on the Log Book. And it shall be the duty of the Master to see that a proper record is kept therein of all matters mentioned in this article according to its true intent and meaning.

4th. The Officer having charge of the Watch on Deck for the time being, shall be responsible for the maintanance of the regulation in regard to the admission of women _ and in case of any getting aboard unperceived, they shall forthwith be expelled by him, or if not able to do so the case shall be immediately reported to the Captain or Commanding Officer on board, whose duty it shall be to enforce their immediate expulsion. On the failure of any Officer in this part of his duty, either wilfully or through negligence, each and every Officer so failing shall forfeit twenty days' pay for each such offence, and any other Officer or Seaman who shall abet any breach of said regulation - or refuse when lawfully called upon to aid in sustaining it, or shall be proved to have had a criminal intercourse with any such woman or women on board, shall forfeit for each such offence, five days' pay - for every instance of drunkenness two days' pay shall be forfeited, and a similar forfeiture shall take place for each day that any Seaman or Offi-

cer shall be off duty from sickness or disability caused by intemperance or licentiousness - the forfeitures in all cases to be estimated as in the second article, and to go to the use of the Owners of said Bark

5th. All expenses which may be necessarily incurred during the voyage, with direct reference to any of the misdemeanors or disabilities enumerated in the third article - or to any attempt at desertion or other disobedience or mutinous conduct, shall be charged to the individual or individuals by reason of whom they may have been incurred.

6th. It is further agreed that if any officer or seaman, after a fair trial, if his abilities and disposition shall be judged by the Master incompetent or indisposed to the proper discharge of the duties of his station, the master shall have a right to displace him and substitute another in his stead,- a corresponding reduction of the lay of such Officer or Seaman with reference to the duty which he may afterwards perform, thenceforth to take effect; and a reasonable increase of the lay of the individual who may thereupon be promoted to a higher station, shall be made in the final adjustment of the voyage.

7th. It is understood and agreed that if any Officer or Seaman shall be prevented by sickness or death from performing the voyage, he, or his legal representatives, shall be entitled to such part of the whole amount of his stipulated share, as the time of his service on board shal be of the whole term of the voyage.

8th. It is further agreed that whatever apparel, furniture, or stores belonging to the said vessel, may be given in charge by the Master to any Officer or Seaman, shall be accounted for by him, and in case anything shall be lost or damaged through his carelessness or neglect, it shall be made good to the Owners by such Officer or Seaman. And whatever Officer or Seaman the Master shall appoint for the duty, shall take charge of any portion of the cargo or ship's stores required to be landed or brought on board in any boats or lighter, and faithfully perform the service assigned, and see that the said cargo or stores are safely landed and delivered, or brought on board the said vessel, as the case may be.

9th. It is understood and agreed that the Master shall have the right to ship catchings, home, or elsewhere, at any time during the voyage, and that the net proceeds after deducting freight, insurance, and expenses incident to the shipment, sale and settelment of the same, shall bear interest from and after the sale until the termination and making up of the settlement of the same, shall bear interest from and after the sale until the termination and making up of the settlement of the voyage. It is also understood and agreed that if the said Bark shall take freight at any time on or during the voyage, the Master, Officer and Seamen, shall in consideration of their services in the premises receive their proportionate part of the net proceeds of the freight and primage money earned on the voyage.

10th. Each and every Officer and Seaman, who shall well and truly have performed the above-mentioned voyage, complied with the regulations and duties herein specified, and committed no dishonest or unlawful act, shall be entitled to the payment of his share of the net proceeds of the voyage pursuant to this agreement, as soon after the return of the said Bark to New Bedford as the oil and other products of the voyage can be sold and settlement adjusted by the Owner or Agent of the said Bark.

11th. In testimony of our assent, consent and agreement, faithfully to perform the various duties and obligations implied in the preceding articles, and in acknowledgment of their being voluntary, and without any compulsory or clandestine means being used, we have each and every one of us, severally, hereunto affixed our names, on the day and year against them respectively written. And it is hereby understood, and mutually agreed, by and between the parties aforesaid, that they, the said Seamen and Mariners, will render themselves on board the said vessel on or before .................... the .................... day of .................... at .................... o'clock, in the .................... noon.

NO DISTILLED SPIRITOUS LIQOURS will be put on board this vessel by the Owner, except for strictly medical use; and by their signatures the other parties to this Contract, Pledge themselves not to take any of any of these articles with them as their private stores, or for traffic, either from this port or any other port or place where they may be during the voyage. And in case of a violation of this Pledge by the Master or any Officer or Seaman, his entire share of the voyage shall be thereupon forfeited to the use of the Owners of the said Bark

IT IS ALSO AGREED, that the Owners or Agents shall make the customary charges or fitting and discharging the Bark Interest and Insurance on the advances, and Commission for settling the voyage and guaranteeing sales of cargo. We sevrally and individually agree to pay ($18) Eighteen for Fitting and discharging the Bark, and also agree to pay Interest and Insurance on all advances to or for us -

      {and to reading, and explanation of these $hipping articles to each name whose name we hear witnessed}  
October 26, 1868 Wm Watkins Managing Owner Thos E Borden Prin  
October 26, 1868 Jared Jernegan 2d Master Thos E Borden Prin as per agreement of this date
September 28, 1868 Francis Dougherty Mate T L Ellis as per agreement of this date
September 21, 1868 William A. Wilber Second Mate D P Earlus 1/34 one thirty forth
September 19, 1868 Charles E. Bailey Third Mate Doria Handy 1/60 one sixtieth
September 21, 1868 Manuel A. Silva Boat Header A L Sylvia 1/68 One sixty eighth
September 22, 1868 Charles H. Randall Boat Steerer P D Slocum 1/95 one ninety fifth
September 26, 1868 Benj. F. Manchester Boat Steerer D P Earlus 1/95 one ninety fith
October 13, 1868 Sebastian Cardor Silva Boat Steerer D P Earlus 1/95 one ninety fith
October 17, 1868 Antone Garcia Boat Steerer A L Sylvia 1/100 one hundredth
October 21, 1868 Charles A. Oman Cooper P Budrick 1/60 one sixtieth
October 15, 1868 Edward Rollins Cook P D Slocum proceeds the [slush] X_______________
1/150 one hundred and fiftieth and half
September 28, 1868 Franklin H. Fowler Steward D P Earlus  
October 6, 1868 John Jones Carpenter P D Earlus 1/190 one hundred and nintieth
October 19, 1868 Enos Xhis markSilas Ordinary Seaman P D Willis 1/180 one hundred and eightieth
October 21, 1868 Manuael X his markGonsalves Ordinary Seaman P D Earlus 1/175 one hundred and seventy fifth
October 21, 1868 Joe X his mark Togo Ordinary Seaman P D Earlus 1/190 one hundred and ninetieth
October 21, 1868 James X his mark Alba Ordinary Seaman Pd Earlus 1/195 one hundred and ninety fifth
October 24, 1868 Edward M. Frazier Ordinary Seaman A L Sylvia 1/180 one hundred and eightieth
October 26, 1868 James Shull Ordinary Seaman Alden Nordell 1/180 one hundred and eightieth
October 26, 1868 Antone X his mark Bilgarde Ordinary Seaman P D Slocum 1/175 one hundred and seventy fifth
October 17, 1868 James John Armstrong Green hand John Mng 1/200 two hundredth
October 22, 1868 Anton X his mark Joakin Green hand P D Earlus 1/210 two hundred and tenth
October 22, 1868 Domingos Chir Green hand S Burdick 1/200 two hundredth
October 22, 1868 Geo T Frasier Green hand S Burdick 1/200 two hundredth
October 22, 1868 Abner Nelson Green hand John Niles 1/200 two hundredth
October 26, 1868 Edwin H. Barnes Ordinary hand D P Earlus 1/190 one hundred and ninetieth
October 26, 1868 John X his mark Dexter Green hand D P Earlus 1/200 two hundredth
October 26, 1868 Antone X his mark Perry Ordinary hand P Burdick 1/190 one hundred and ninetieth
October 26, 1868 Michael Haussman Green hand D P Earlus 1/200 two hundredth
October 26, 1868 Luis Antonio de Valle Steward P Burdick 1/110 one hundred and tenth
October 26, 1868 Francisco X his mark D' Amaral Green hand P Burdick 1/210 two hundred and tenth
October 24, 1868 Charles Frazer Cabin and Steerage Boy A L Sylvia 1/250 two hundred and fiftieth
October 27, 1868 Antone Prata Green hand D P Earlus 1/210 two hundred and tenth
October 27, 1868 Otto de la Chenaye Green hand James C. Citch 1/210 two hundredth and tenth
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