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1855 Letter From Susan to Peter Cromwell

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eve 16th

I am pleasd to know you have sent me your minature I hope it will look more like you than those I have, they have none of you expression except when sad or cross evry one says they they do not look as well as you do. Presa talk much about my Favar and what you and he is going to do when he is a high man he tells me and his Grand father verry often when we do any thing he does not like then you will put us in jail they have got be be verry Childish and are verry much pleasd with all his talk they think both of the boys are little extra, my Father has always calld the babe Peter jr and I would like for that to be his name if I thought he would be pleas or satisfied when he became a man. Cyntha left me the middle of last Sept to go a cruise to north shore and was going to do up some work at home and then coming back again and in that time she got off that notion made other engagements with John to Luces wife to stay with her she has moovd down to the house whare Lot live it is livelier times there more yong company that suits Cyntha and she can boss there, but Cyntha never failed coming every Sunday night and staying untill Monday night to wash for me she is verry shifty minded and cant stay long she thought she had done well to stay as long as she did, we got along first rate together there is no one that I can get that will do as well as Cyntha therefore I have done my work myself ever since and taken care of every thing with the exception of two week in Nov Presa was quite sick with the mumps then Cy came to help take care of him and fix for winter the other two Children had them in Oct. you must think Peter that I have had to work hard and felt quite unable many poor feelings but not sick. and now while I am writeing I feel so tired that I can hardly hold my Pen or head up all the time I can get to write is when the children is to sleep and then I feel not fit for anything but to rest

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