I had a few lines from Mr Howland to day said they should try to get you to go
another season but said he suffisd I should say no he wrote to say he had
letter from you and if at any time I had any news to draft him a line, the first
letter I had Lorenza wrote him he thought a little strange he had three ships
in the ports and not a line from neither of the Masters. your Father comes almost
every day to see us says he think Ieda is som better, your Mother is weak and
feeble but what work there is done is put on her and I think your father had better
stay at home more to help her than cruise about. Benj is growing fat laying back
waiting for a storm to drive vessels on shore. Abby B. expects to be confind every
day. Abby Peakes and Sarah a getting very corpulent Charles is at home going guning
and clamr'g and Elly he and Father have supplied me with all I have had Jacob
has gone in the Julian again I hope you will see him and get the bottle of Cherries
I sent by him. he was verry good to do every for me that I askd him and for the
Children ask him many questions did you get Jacobs letter if so why not return
reply I feel some in hope I may have another letter from you by the Calafor mail
when my Dec paper comes as you mentiond that you would write again Mrs Hatches
and Cyntha was three days latter than mine I spent thanksgiving with Mrs H- and
I had a verry good visit she was here last Friday PM. and from her I got the news
we talk letter and Reindeer most of the time these last lines I am writing with
the babe in my arms it is late and you must excuse all that is not as it should
be. I heartily wish you was here and then I shou should not have to sleep
with three Children good night Dear H this will go in morn I will write again by
Feb mail the babe is crying and P wants water and sis is snoring on the sopha.
past nine o clock patience I need and I hope you will come and help me
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