detail of battle at Chickamauga

Lesson 3
Whaling Timeline

  • Time Required: 30 minutes
  • Curriculum Fits: History

Lesson Overview

In this lesson students will construct a timeline that shows important turning points in the history of whaling as well as key events in US history that might have had an impact on whaling.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will date key moments in the history of US whaling.
  • Students will place pivotal historical events on a timeline.
  • Students will contextualize the history of US whaling.



Using the teacher resource, "Whaling Timeline", make notecards with one event from the timeline printed on each one. Hang a roll of paper with a notched line on it, or clear space on a board for a timeline.


  1. Discuss how to determine the beginning and ending dates for the timeline. Let students know that this timeline will highlight the history of whaling in the United States. Ask students if they can think of key events in the history of the United States that might have an impact on whaling.
  2. To facilitate the creation of the timeline, give each student a notecard with a dated turning point in the history of whaling (taken from the teacher resource "Whaling Timeline"). Ask students in turn to build the chronology of whaling by reading their dated fact and placing it in the appropriate place on a large timeline. Allow this timeline to remain posted for the duration of the unit and refer to it or add to it as appropriate.
  3. Have students visit various websites that provide different historical timelines and ask them to pick out important events that occurred during the history of whaling. Add these to the timeline of whaling to better appreciate the period in which whaling was at its height.


Students' understanding of whaling within a historical context can be assessed through observation and discussion. A quiz could be given to assess students' knowledge of key turning points in the history of whaling.


Encourage students to find or draw visual images to make the whaling timeline more informative and colorful.


Mary Jane Aldrich-Moodie